Premium IT & Cyber Security Plan

Reduce risk and improve compliance. Our premium Managed IT Service with built-in Cyber Security delivers great value and proactive risk management. 

  • Rolling 12-month commitment with no onboarding fee
  • Unlimited Remote IT & Network Support
  • Incident response times: Critical-0.5hr, High-1hr, Medium-8hrs
  • Quarterly technology and business reviews
  • Initial Cyber Essentials level audit and remediation plan
  • Continuous compliance with monthly audits to Cyber Essentials standards and remediation plan
  • Internet Domain & DNS management
  • Daily patching of your computer Operating Systems and common applications
  • Next-gen anti-virus/anti-malware with XDR
  • Device encryption (Windows and macOS)
  • Microsoft 365 / Google Workspace daily data backup
  • Security awareness training for all people
  • Joiner & leaver process for better device and user account management
  • Microsoft 365 risky sign-on detection and alerting
  • Network device management, patching and support
  • MDM (Intune) maintenance and compliance monitoring
  • Configure & ship service for rapid device deployment for joiners
  • 3-year IT budgeting and planning (vCIO service)