Your employees are your biggest cyber security threat

Employee training minimises the threat of data breaches

Reduce people-based cyber security risks with our live, instructor-led 45 minute online Cyber Security Training session, exclusively for your team.

What We'll Cover

Internet and online scams
Phishing attacks and email usage
Working remotely and public Wi-Fi
Removable media
Secure passwords

This Cyber Security overview helps to raise your teams awareness and keep them safe online. Book a suitable date and time in the calendar below.

ONLY £99* for up to 15 employees per session

How does your business benefit?

Protect Your Data

Safeguard your most valuable assets from cyber criminals.

Increase Awareness

Equip your team with the knowledge to identify and mitigate threats.

Boost Productivity

Spend less time dealing with incidents and more time on what matters – your business.

Prevent Financial Loss

Save money and stress by avoiding costly breaches.

Book your exclusive online training session with Paul today

Location: Zoom • Length: 45mins • Price: £99* for up to 15 employees

*Price excludes VAT.