Big news on the tech front – Microsoft is saying goodbye to Windows 10. That’s right, Windows 10 is reaching the end of its life on October 14, 2025. But don’t panic! We’ve got some time to figure out the best way forward. Let’s break down what this means and explore your options.

What Does End of Life for Windows 10 Mean?

So, what exactly does it mean when we say Windows 10 is reaching its end of life? Essentially, Microsoft will stop providing updates and support for the operating system. Your Windows 10 computers will still work, but they won’t get the regular security patches and updates that keep them safe from hackers and other threats. Think of it like driving a car that no longer has access to spare parts – it might run for a while, but any issues could become a big problem quickly.

Why This Matters

Running an unsupported operating system is risky. Without those crucial updates, your computers become easy targets for cybercriminals. This isn’t just about getting the latest bells and whistles; it’s about keeping your data – and your customers’ data – safe. Imagine the fallout from a data breach: financial loss, damaged reputation, and a whole lot of headaches.

Your Options

Alright, let’s talk about what you can do. There are a few paths you can take, each with its own pros and cons.

Option 1: Ignore It

First up, you could do nothing. This might seem tempting because change can be tough, and it’s easy to stick with what you know. But ignoring the issue isn’t really a viable long-term solution. Without updates, your systems are sitting ducks for cyber attacks. And let’s be real, no one wants to deal with the chaos and cost of a data breach.

Option 2: Upgrade to Windows 11

Next, there’s upgrading to Windows 11. This is the latest and greatest from Microsoft, with tons of new features designed to boost productivity and security. If your current devices meet the system requirements, this can be a smooth transition. Windows 11 has a redesigned Start menu, new ways to organise your windows, and even an AI assistant called Copilot to help with tasks. It’s a solid choice if you want to stay current and secure.

Option 3: Get New Devices

If your current computers aren’t up to the job of running Windows 11, it might be time to invest in new devices. Yes, this means allocating the needed budget, but think of it as an investment in your business’s future. New devices come with better performance and built-in security features. Plus, newer hardware can actually make your team more efficient, potentially saving you money in the long run.

Option 4: Pay for Extended Security Updates

Not ready to let go of Windows 10 just yet? Microsoft offers Extended Security Updates (ESUs) for a few more years. These updates aren’t free – they’ll cost you around £50 per device for the first year, doubling each year after that. This can buy you some time, but the costs add up quickly. It’s a short-term fix and might end up being more expensive than upgrading in the long run.

Making a Decision

Change can be daunting, but with the right plan, you can turn this challenge into an opportunity for improvement. If you’re not sure which path to take though, don’t worry. We specialise in helping businesses with these kinds of conundrums. We’ll chat about your current setup and what you need and then provide personalised recommendations and support to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Feel free to get in touch – we’re always here to help!

Book a chat to discuss your options by clicking here.


WEBINAR RECORDING - Why Should I Upgrade to Windows 11? - Click here to watch now.
You can also watch our webinar recording on the subject of Windows 11. Paul shows us Windows 10 and 11 side-by-side, looking at the changes and improvements. He also demonstrates how to upgrade and covers off a few myths you may have heard on the subject.

June 20, 2024 — Paul Stanyer