Apple has unveiled macOS 15, aptly named Sequoia, during its WWDC 2024 event. This new version introduces a host of features designed to enhance user experience, boost productivity, and strengthen the integration between Apple's ecosystem of devices. Below, we delve into the key features, enhancements, and the devices that will be compatible with this latest operating system.

Key Features and Enhancements

  1. Enhanced Continuity and iPhone Integration

One of the standout features of macOS 15 Sequoia is the enhanced Continuity feature, which significantly improves the integration between Mac and iPhone. This includes:

    • iPhone Mirroring: Users can now mirror their iPhone screens on their Macs. This feature allows full interaction with iPhone apps directly from the Mac screen, including the ability to swipe through the home screen and open apps. This integration also means that users can receive and interact with iPhone notifications and even play games on their Macs, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted workflow​.
    • Drag and Drop Between Devices: Users can now drag and drop files and content between macOS apps and the mirrored iPhone screen. This enhancement simplifies file management and boosts productivity for users who frequently switch between devices​.
  1. New AI and Machine Learning Capabilities

macOS 15 Sequoia introduces several AI-driven features designed to make tasks easier and more intuitive:

    • Apple Intelligence: This new AI capability can generate text and images, enhancing various productivity tools across macOS. For instance, Safari now uses AI to automatically highlight important information, such as map directions or videos on a webpage, making it easier for users to find what they need quickly.
    • Math Notes: The Notes app gets a significant upgrade with Math Notes, a feature that allows users to perform and solve mathematical equations directly within their notes. This tool supports a wide range of mathematical functions, similar to a scientific calculator, and is particularly useful for students and professionals dealing with complex calculations.
  1. Improved Safari and Privacy Features

Safari, Apple's native browser, sees several improvements aimed at enhancing user experience and security:

    • Reader Mode: The new Reader mode in Safari removes distractions from web pages, providing a cleaner and more focused reading experience. This feature is particularly useful for users who read long articles or documents online​.
    • Passwords App: Replacing the Keychain, the new Passwords app simplifies password management across all Apple devices and extends its support to Windows PCs. This app makes it easier for users to organise and sync their passwords, enhancing security and usability.
  1. Desktop Management and User Interface Enhancements

macOS 15 Sequoia introduces several features aimed at improving desktop management and user interface:

    • Window Management: Users can now drag windows to the side of their screens to access new layout options. This feature enhances multitasking capabilities, allowing users to organise their workspace more efficiently.
    • FaceTime Background Replacement: Users can now replace their backgrounds during FaceTime calls with preset images or their own photos from the Photos gallery. This feature adds a customisable touch to video calls, making them more engaging and professional​..
  1. Gaming and Performance Improvements

Apple continues to push the boundaries of gaming on Macs with macOS 15 Sequoia:

    • Game Porting Toolkit 2: This toolkit promises to bring more advanced games to Macs by making it easier to port games from other platforms and now supports ray tracing.
    • Gaming Enhancements: Sequoia includes several updates that improve gaming performance, such as better graphics support and lower latency for a smoother gaming experience​.
  1. Additional Features and Apps

Beyond the major updates, macOS 15 Sequoia includes several other enhancements:

    • Safari Updates: In addition to Reader mode, Safari introduces better battery-saving capabilities and more private browsing options. Machine learning helps highlight important information on web pages, making navigation more efficient.
    • Presenter Preview: This feature allows users to see a preview of their desktop before sharing their screen during meetings, ensuring that everything looks as it should before going live.
    • Apple's Calculator and Calendar: The Calculator app gets new tools like history and unit conversions, while the Calendar app integrates more closely with Reminders, allowing users to create, view, edit, and complete reminders directly from the Calendar.

Device Compatibility and Support

As with any major software update, the question of compatibility is crucial. Apple has not yet provided a definitive list of devices that will support macOS 15 Sequoia, but based on current information, we can infer some details:

  • Supported Devices: The following devices are likely to support macOS 15 Sequoia:
    • iMac (2019 and later)
    • iMac Pro (2017 and later)
    • Mac Pro (2019 and later)
    • Mac Studio (2022 and later)
    • MacBook Air (2020 and later)
    • Mac mini (2018 and later)
    • MacBook Pro (2018 and later)​
  • Intel Mac Support: The support for Intel-based Macs is dwindling fast. While some older Intel Macs may still run macOS 15, they might lack certain features, especially those relying on Apple's latest AI capabilities. Any feature that uses Apple Intelligence requires an M-series chip. This shift underscores Apple's ongoing transition to its own silicon chips.​


macOS 15 Sequoia represents a significant step forward for Apple's operating system, introducing a range of new features designed to enhance productivity, improve device integration, and offer more powerful tools for users. From advanced AI capabilities and improved gaming performance to enhanced Continuity features and better desktop management, Sequoia sets a new standard for what users can expect from their Mac devices.

As Apple continues to innovate and push the boundaries of what's possible, macOS 15 Sequoia is poised to offer a richer, more seamless experience for users. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, these updates are sure to make your interactions with your Mac more efficient and enjoyable.

For the latest updates and detailed information, be sure to check back on Apple's official announcements.


References: This article was informed by various sources including:

June 26, 2024 — Paul Stanyer
Tags: Apple macOS