Proactive IT services? Surely they’re a waste of money. Your IT works perfectly well, thank you very much. Why would you need proactive support?

Look at it this way:

A couple of life facts for you

Have you made a New Year resolution to improve your health? More exercise, more fruit and vegetables, fewer pies? Here come the life facts:

  1. A healthy lifestyle helps you live longer. Regular health checks spot problems early so they can be treated in good time.
  2. When you take out a mortgage, you’re expected to take out life insurance. You may also have critical illness cover while paying off the mortgage.

Insurance policies are useful to have, but here’s the thing:

Critical illness cover won’t prevent critical illness. Life insurance doesn’t save you from dying. They don’t protect you from harm. They protect the bank from financial loss.

What’s this got to do with IT support?

Let’s go back to those two facts — the healthy lifestyle, the mortgage with life insurance — and put them together.

We’ve always wondered why life insurance policies don’t include healthcare plans as standard — regular check-ups, personalised diet and exercise plans, fitness goals — because as we said before, insurance alone doesn’t make you healthy.

Proactive IT support is personalised healthcare

Think of proactive IT support as an insurance policy with personalised healthcare, only better.

Imagine continuous monitoring and patching, spotting problems and fixing them early. Imagine a thorough check-up on all devices every 15 minutes, medication prescribed when needed, and a nourishing diet of patches and updates to keep everything fit and healthy.

Will you need to make a claim on your insurance policy for a total loss of business? It’s as likely as a unicorn flying over Heathrow.

This is the crucial difference between proactive IT services, which help keep your business safe, and reactive (break-fix) IT support.

Reactive IT support is like insurance. You need it once something has already broken. It’s recovery from disaster. Proactive IT services can prevent disaster from happening in the first place — and it could be the smartest decision you make all year.

Call the PS Tech team on 01732 243100, or click here to book a no-obligation chat. Don’t worry, we won’t try and sell you life insurance.

January 06, 2022 — Paul Stanyer